3 Reasons to Visit Your Eye Doctor
August 14, 2023

According to All About Vision, about half of the Americans who are thought to be at high risk for vision loss have had an eye doctor appointment in the last year. Many people lose track of their appointments until realizing that it's been a while since their last visit to the eye doctor. Here are a few reasons why it's important to schedule an appointment soon.

1. Your Vision Changes Over the Years

Many people think that their vision problems are just a part of getting older. They buy a pair of reading glasses and figure that's just how it's going to be from now on. While it may be true that your vision may not be as sharp as when you were younger, failing vision isn't something you have to live with. Today's treatments can correct most people's vision, no matter how young or old they may be.

2. Eye Exams Often Reveal Other Issues

Regular eye exams allow your doctor to get to know you, your vision, and your overall health. Comprehensive eye exams can often reveal other health-related issues that you may not be aware of. With early detection and treatment, most medical issues can be successfully managed. The longer you wait to undergo regular health visits, the more your health may suffer. Diabetes is a common ailment that affects vision and can be diagnosed during its earliest stages when you have an eye exam. Don't wait to schedule your next appointment.

3. Serious Conditions Can Develop With Age

Glaucoma, macular degeneration, and melanomas are just a few of the medical conditions that can develop with age. Detected early on, there are effective treatment options available. Like so many other medical conditions, the earlier these ailments are detected, the better the outcome of treatment will be. If you notice that your vision feels a little off, it's time to schedule an eye appointment right away. There's no reason to wait. Vision is an important part of our overall health, so we need to take care of it just like other parts of our body. Now is an ideal time for an eye exam.

Has it been a while since you've visited the eye doctor? Our team is here to help you with all of your vision care needs. Contact Dr. Obermark Eye Health Care today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to seeing you!

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